27 August, 2009

Computer Tech Support Cheat Sheet

As someone that has provided computer tech support to various people over the years, I found this to be pretty funny.  Enjoy.  :-)


14 August, 2009

Book Review - Once An Arafat Man by Tass Saada

I just finished reading an awesome book and I wanted to tell you about it.

Once An Arafat Man, by Tass Saada is the story of a Palestinian man that served as a PLO sniper under Yasser Arafat.

This is one of those books that is hard to put down as the chapters flow easily from one to the next.

I smiled, laughed, and praised God as I read about the journey God took this man on to lead him from a life filled with hate, to a life filled instead with peace, purpose, and a deep love for the people he once considered his enemies.

God used this book to challenge my thinking in these areas:
  • The source of the struggle between the Arab world and Israel
  • The ways God uses to bring Muslims to repentance and a relationship with Jesus Christ (specifically dreams and visions)
  • Following the vision and plan God has set before me, trusting God to see me through even when there is danger
As the foreword of the book points out, the first section graphically describes some of the fighting that Tass was involved in during his time as a Fatah fighter. For some this will not present any challenge, but for others it might be difficult to read about the details of the battle. I would encourage you to not be deterred by this first section. It is graphic, but well written, and an important piece of the complete story.

This is a book that will leave you rejoicing and thanking God for the marvelous ways He transforms sinners into saints.

You can find the book for sale on Amazon.com by clicking here

A highly recommended book!
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